Monday, July 30, 2012

Leadership Power and Influence in the Workplace

The paths to prevention of workplace aggression emphasizes empowering workers through compassionate leadership. Employees who feel empowered will maximize their effort, output, and contribution while simultaneously decreasing aggressive tendencies and reducing the propensity for workplace aggression within the organization. The issue of empowering employees seems particularly important when we consider the positive effects that charismatic leaders have on their shakers of the world, daring to challenge the status quo and empower their followers to perform beyond normal expectations.

The majority of studies have demonstrated the positive impact of leadership on organizational effectiveness. However, there has been no research examining whether there is less workplace aggression in the presence of a charismatic leader. There is research suggesting that charismatic leadership is negatively related to harmful behaviors in the workplace. For example, transformational leadership was negatively associated with safety accidents; charisma is a large component of transformational leadership.


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Psychological empowerment can reduce workplace aggression because it increases employees' perceptions of fairness at work. It has been suggested that when employees are psychologically empowered they feel they have a voice in shaping and contributing to the practices and policies of the organization.

Leadership Power and Influence in the Workplace

Power in the workplace has traditionally been defined as force, dominance, assertiveness, strength, invincibility, and authority. However, power and leadership are being redefined. No longer are we comfortable equating leadership with force, and power with dominance. In forward-thinking corporations, power is shift requires a commitment and a plan of action.

Throughout history, leadership has been critical to performance, to success and to the greater good. The leader is often perceived as a solitary, charismatic figure similar to a movie star. People behind the scenes are often not acknowledged, despite the fact that all play critical roles.

The distinction between the leader and others is not a gender distinction. Women can rise to leadership positions, as long as they understand how. The women finally band together to create a force the leader is unable to reckon with. They take over their workplace and create an environment in which they and others thrive.

All of us, both men and women, face similar challenges every day: how to bring our leadership ideas, voice and talents into the world without stepping all over others. How to exercise our talents in a world with other talented executives through fair and honest interactions and dynamics, without one-upping, stepping all over each other's toes deceptively undermining, intimidating, taking credit from others success, or self promoting.

In the climb up the leadership ladder we need to find ways to move up to the next level. How we influence others along the way will determine how we climb. How do we use our power and influence in ways that create support around us?

Learn how to positively influence. The meaning of influence ranges from the dominant and authoritative, to the more important and significant. At one end it is being influential because of fear.

Leadership Power and Influence in the Workplace

David Hale, is the CEO & Founder of DHI-Communications, a full-time Inbound marketing consultancy specializing in assisting businesses with harnessing the awesome power of search engine marketing to dramatically increase their online visibility, generate greater site traffic and how to convert subscribers to paying customers.

He is also an industry speaker along with being a university assistant professor teaching business and psychology courses. You can learn more about him at: []

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