Monday, July 2, 2012

3 Sources of Leadership Power

The three most important sources of power for a leader in an organization that can best be used to increase the effectiveness of an organization while enhancing empowerment and a sense of control of the employees are legitimate, referent and expert power.

Most organizations are hierarchical in nature. If the title of the leader reveals a higher level in the organization it is very likely that the employee will be greatly impacted by the comments and/or opinions of this leader. It would be a rare individual and perhaps one with a short career in an organization which would not pay any attention to the direction and or ideas of a legitimate leader in business organization today. In fact, legitimate power helps maintain order, the chain of command, and direction for the organization. Without it there would be chaos and diminished effectiveness.


However, legitimate power alone does not necessarily mean employees with maximize effectiveness or feel empowered. Rather it helps direct individuals to people in the organization who have been identified as those in power. However, legitimate power without referent and/or expert power is of limited help in empowering employees. Referent power is needed to provide the sense of support and commitment the leader has to the individual and expert power is needed for those employees who need task direction. Expert power also builds confidence in the leader's ability to teach and delegate tasks that the team needs to accomplish.

3 Sources of Leadership Power

Therefore, I believe that legitimate power provides the opportunity to utilize referent and expert power to fully empower employees and helping them feel integrated and valued members of the team.

3 Sources of Leadership Power

Magnify: "To make great or greater; to enlarge; to augment; to exalt." - Webster

James' vision is to magnify individuals' natural abilities; maximizing their full potential and increasing their value as leaders and professionals in the organizations where they work and serve.

Founder of Magnify Leadership and Development
Author of Magnify Change Leadership
Training consultant
Masters of Science in Organizational and Management & Leadership
BA in Organizational Communications
Certificate in Spanish Language and Culture

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