Friday, June 1, 2012

Leadership - The Art Of Leadership, Six Key Leadership Skills

As business owners, we must develop leadership qualities if we want our business to succeed. Whether our desire is to be a leader or not, there are specific skills that must be developed. Leadership styles will differ according to various personalities but main qualities must exist for excellence. Below are five critical keys of leadership.

1. Principle Centered Leadership: This should be the most important quality on our list of priorities. Without this, a company will eventually collapse. A company may grow and even succeed for a period of time, however, at some point the facade will become it's downfall. Integrity, honesty, treating others with respect, honor, loyalty, etc., will build a solid foundation for a long term lucrative business.


2. Assessing situations logically: A good leader is able to evaluate information in a logical manner and make decisions accordingly. They take into account all angles and consequences of that decision. They have the ability to problem solve. They look at obstacles as temporary and stay focused on the main goal. Hurdles are challenges rather than road blocks.

Leadership - The Art Of Leadership, Six Key Leadership Skills

3. Being decisive and taking immediate action when necessary: Leaders have the ability to act promptly when the situation calls for it. They recognize that hesitation in some situations may be detrimental. It is important to be cautious and think things through from all angles, however, opportunities can be lost by over thinking and not acting in a timely manner.

4. Communication: Effectively communicating with others is crucial. We all have various types of personalities and ways of communicating. Concentrate on the strengths you have and work on those. The main key to communication is understanding the other person. Leaders have the ability to create confidence and loyalty because they are genuinely concerned about others. They are willing to listen to the ideas and input of those around them. They value others and do not feel threatened by building others up.

5. Healthy self esteem: Leaders are content with the qualities they possess but are constantly striving for self improvement. Leaders learn from the success of other leaders and try to duplicate it. Maintaining their own personal uniqueness, identity, and personal value system is important to their overall sense of well being. They understand who they are and focus on their strengths. They maintain a quiet confidence in their abilities and talents. Successful leaders understand and live by the following principle; "You can be a first rate you, but only a second rate someone else".

6. Lead by example: Leaders are willing to do difficult things: They do not ask someone else to do something they themselves would not be willing to do. Some of the most influential and powerful leaders throughout history started at the bottom. They were not handed their success, they earned it through hard work and dedication. They do not expect respect from others, they earn the respect. Being tenacious is one of their most notable qualities. They have the ability after falling down to pick themselves back up and begin again.

Some are born with natural leadership qualities while others through determination develop them.
In every group situation a leader will evolve. People like to have a strong and competent leader to follow. It is the desire within us to either lead or follow. If we aspire for leadership, then we must learn and implement the qualities exceptional leaders have.

Leadership - The Art Of Leadership, Six Key Leadership Skills

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit,

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