Thursday, June 28, 2012

Charismatic Leadership

The charismatic leader is perhaps the most exciting as his leadership abilities are often attributed to strong character, feats of great strength and heroism or divine guidance.

The Charismatic Leader


Most charismatic leaders posses similar traits and behavioral characteristics. Many are seen to have almost supernatural powers and are worshiped by their followers. We see this in many of the better-known evangelical leaders such as the Reverend Billy Graham or Joel Osteen.

Charismatic Leadership

In addition these leaders tend to generate almost instantaneous trust amongst their followers such as Gandhi or Martin Luther King. Finally they earn their leadership not because they hold an important position in a company or government but because of their ability to attract followers naturally.

The Positive Traits of This Type of Leader

Most charismatic leaders are able to get others to understand their vision or goals through the use of simple stories that everyone can comprehend. And more importantly, charismatic leadership allows the followers to clearly see their glorious place within this vision so they are more likely to vigorously defend their leader. The charismatic leader uses his charm, imagination, and inspiration to build a utopian future.

The Negative Traits of a Charismatic Leader

Charismatic leadership can also have its bad side. Many of these leaders can only achieve their goals through extreme personal sacrifice. Oftentimes family members suffer so that the leader may succeed. In addition a charismatic leader will usually try to move quickly to her goal.

This can cause discomfort amongst some of her followers who feel she is moving to fast. This could lead to disgruntled "ex-follower" who can promote bad press that places the leader in a bad light.

Two Extremes

One of the most positive charismatic leaders in history is Mahatma Gandhi. By maintaining his humility and setting an example of integrity, honesty and peaceful civil disobedience he was able to achieve India's independence.

A very negative example of a charismatic leader is Adolph Hitler. His ability to sway followers to his way of thinking was exemplified in his speeches regarding his vision of a master race. He could talk to thousands of people at once at you could hear a pin drop the audience was so mesmerized by his words.

Business and Charisma

Charismatic leadership in business can have its pros and cons. A charismatic leader is an excellent choice for a business that is forced to dramatically change its vision. Perhaps its primary product is no longer as popular as it once was and the company is forced to look for another product to keep it profitable. A charismatic leader is able to inspire and motivate its employees to readily accept this change.

A major problem with charismatic leaders is finding a successor to carry on the same vision with as much fervor and desire. In addition a charismatic leader motivates by force of personality. He might not possess other traits that are needed to be an effective leader once the vision is achieved.

Charismatic Leadership

Victor Ghebre is the editor of where you get practical tips and information on goal Setting [], motivation, leadership and more.

Visit Define Leadership [] to learn how to set yourself up for success and get free tips on how to effectively learn to lead.

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