Saturday, February 9, 2013

Leadership Qualities and Characteristics Are Learned, Never Inherited

Sometimes we declare that someone is a born leader. Not so! All the traits of a good leader is learned. If leadership qualities and characteristics are never inherited, can they be learned by anyone? That's a good question and one that is open for debate. Some people just can't seem to learn how to be a leader. And yet anyone can actually learn the traits of a good leader. Whether anyone can learn leadership characteristics would perhaps depend on if that person could learn.

With all that said, here's the purpose of this article. America needs quality leaders today. Our nation lacks leadership in the House and Senate. Most of our congressmen and women are about themselves. It is no longer a nation of "We the people..." Rather we have become a nation of us and them-a divided nation. Our nation has quit being a nation that takes care of the working man and woman; rather, our nation now awards the man or woman who won't work. Understand, the author has no political inclination. We can not point the finger at any particular party or individual because we have three fingers pointing back at ourselves. We the people have contributed to the devastation of our nation as surely as the politicians have. Our current President is trying to fix the problem; however, history has proven that you can't buy your way out of something you have behaved yourself into.

We have allowed Congress and the White House (past and present administrations) to bankrupt our nation. Our nation reminds you of Israel and its ultimate ruin. Fortunately for Israel, God raised up a great leader, Nehemiah, the builder of Jerusalem's walls. Nehemiah was a nobody. He was a servant that risked his life for a king. His job was to taste-test all food and drink that the king would later consume. If the food or drink was poisoned, Nehemiah died, not the valuable king. From his office of nobody, Nehemiah rose to a leader of people who had been sitting idle for many years (786-744 B.C. in the latest stretch). They were content to let someone else do the work. They had a good home, food on the table and it didn't matter if the king fixed their city or not. (Sound like any citizens you know?) Not only was Nehemiah a slave, but he was very young. He had been born after the Babylonian invasion.

Leadership Qualities and Characteristics Are Learned, Never Inherited

So how did a nobody slave, a kid, become one of the greatest leaders in the bible? First, he gets a vision from God. When he finally saw the enormity of the task, Nehemiah became ill and wept for days. He probably said, "God, I can't do this! Will you please get someone else?" Then after a little while, he decided that if God was on his side, nothing could keep him from completing the task. He prayed to God, and God began to form a plan for Nehemiah. It appears obvious that Nehemiah isn't a born leader. He had no leadership traits that his mother and father had passed along to him. He had been a servant from the time he was born-now a slave in the Mede and Persian Empire. However, he learned a valuable lesson from his experience; leadership qualities are never inherited but learned.

Look at some of the qualities of good leaders and ask yourself is that quality inherited or learned:

1. Integrity-learned
2. Honesty-learned.
3. Vision casting-learned.
4. Faith-learned.
5. Great Communicator-learned.
6. The Art of Delegation-learned.
7. Courage-learned.
8. Confidence-learned.
9. Tenacity-learned.
10. Perseverance-learned.

Although there are many other leadership characteristics, they are learned behaviors. So it was with Nehemiah. The first thing he saw was his country devastated. We need a Nehemiah who sees our country in spiritual and financial ruin. The USA not only is financially bankrupt, but it is in spiritual and moral bankruptcy, too. The USA needs a powerful, God-fearing leader to get a vision, trust in God and lead this country from decay and ruin to strength and Godliness. Could that someone be you? Who knows that you were born for such a time as this (paraphrase Esther 4:14b)

Nehemiah could step up at anytime because leadership qualities and characteristics are learned never inherited. We desperately need a quality leader to come to the front and lead our nation out of financial bondage. Nehemiah, where are you?

Leadership Qualities and Characteristics Are Learned, Never Inherited
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Howard believes strongly in America; however, he feels that our government has taken on the Big Brother syndrome who wants to take care of and control everything. You don't have to agree with his views. If you would like a free 2010 Whole Life Day Planner and Devotional, a value, email him at or visit You can find out how to sign up for one there.

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