Friday, May 18, 2012

Ways To Protect Your ClickBank Product

Security is a real issue when it comes down to selling your products successfully online. And on ClickBank, this is absolutely true. One of the biggest problems with people who buy via ClickBank are those people who buy a product and then immediately asks for a refund. These are known as "professional refunders".
Now there are some mechanisms that you can use to decrease the amount of refunds that you get to your website. There are many affiliate softwares out there that can ban certain countries from buying from you. These are typically the countries where people like to order, and then immediately complain and get their money back. And they do this all the time.

So to avoid this, I would recommend you using a product called "EasyClickMate" if you want to stop this problem. The product is good and the service is great - plus it can help you to produce a lot of 1-way backlinks from the relevant websites who are promoting your product.

ClickBank is very popular. It's one of the top 300 sites on the entire internet (in terms of website traffic), and it has thousands of affiliates just waiting to promote your product simply and easily. Now because it is so popular and profitable, there are people who want to take advantage of the system.

To avoid this, there are some things that you will want to do if you want to prevent fraud from occurring with your product. The first thing that you can do is to NOT link your download page from anywhere else on your website, or even on other websites online. Believe it or not, people really do this a lot.

You want to make sure that the only way that someone can have access to your product is if they click on your ClickBank payment link. Anyway else shouldn't be tolerated. You don't want "backdoors" to your product download page - I've seen this happen before. If you don't prevent the backdoors, your product download page will be seen in the search engines, and people will be able to download your product for free. I've seen this happen also. So prevent that starting today.

Another thing that you can do is to consider a product called "DLGuard". It was created by a master software creator, and it limits the amount of time that someone has to download their product. After the elapsed time has passed, the original download page disappears, and you won't be able to access the same download page again. You will have to use another way to deliver your product to your customer, or simply put up another time elapsing download page.

This is an awesome way to protect your products, and it's something that I highly recommend you doing. This is something that you can reduce fraud, and stop people from downloading your products without buying them first.

Take these ClickBank security tips and use them to have the utmost success as possible with your online marketing efforts. It will be more than worth it.

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