Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Silent Generation (aka Veterans) - Most Misunderstood and Underestimated Generation of All Time

No generation has been so misunderstood and underestimated. This genera­tion brought us civil rights, an unparal­leled national wealth in the arts and commerce, and unimaginable advances in science and technology! Silents areabout 95% retired at this point.  In a few short years virtually no Silents will command an industry, a battlefield, anything at all. They will have mostly gone well into the shadows. The Silent Generation  also referred to as "Veterans"  (mid-l920s - mid-1940s) Silentsare about 95% retired at this point.  In a few short years virtually no Silents will command an industry, a battlefield, anything at all. They will have mostly gone well into the shadows. No generation has been so misunderstood and underestimated. This genera­tion brought us civil rights, an unparal­leled national wealth in the arts and commerce, and unimaginable advances in science and technology

Three theories about the origin of the label "Silent Generation" ...
This generation grew up when chil­dren "should be seen and not heard." The assault on America's political liberty by the House Committee on Un-American Activities in tandem with Senator Joseph McCarthy's in­quisitions scared the heck out of them. McCarthy whipped up anti-communist sentiment to such a degree that it was dangerous to ex­press an opinion anywhere, about anything.  People were going to jail for beliefs and affiliations held 20 or 30 years earlier.  Free speech was all but dead.  People became apolitical.  Safe.  Silent. The name Silent Generation was coined in a 1951 cover story in Time Magazine to refer to the generation coming of age at the time. The phrase became even more fashionable after author William Manchester's comment that the mem­bers of this generation were "withdrawn, cautious, unimaginative, indifferent, unad­venturous and silent."


4 million Canadians over the age of 65 constitute 13% of the population, and 1 million of them, or 3%, are over age 80.    

The Silent Generation (aka Veterans) - Most Misunderstood and Underestimated Generation of All Time


Trust Privacy Conformity Faith in institutions Respect for authority Patience Responsibility before pleasure Formality Social order
Consistent Detail oriented Non-complaining Mediators and facilitators Commitment
May not see "gray" - mostly black & white Assume "no news is good news" May sound parental Often complacent when they disagree

Media Myth:   More accidents and illness.   Reality:    They actually have fewer on-the-job accidents. Insurance claims are no different than for all workers.

Media Myth:   Can't learn technology.  Reality:   Silents are motivated students when training is done right (respectfully, with low stress).

Media Myth: Don't want to work  Reality: Many prefer to be working past retirement, at least part time; job changing still carries a stigma for them.

Media Myth: Not as productive as younger workers. Reality: Surveys continue to report that older workers are every bit as productive as younger ones.

Media Myth:   Not as smart as younger workers. Reality: Psychologists find that intelligence remains constant until at least age 70.  


when a Boomer (mid 1940s to mid-1960s) collides, they think ...     
Dictatorial. Inhibited.   Technological dinosaurs.
when a GenX (mid-1060s to late 1970s) collides, they think ...
Too set in your ways. Learn how to use voice mail. You got all the money.
when a GenY (1980s to 2000) collides, they think ...
Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy. Like, how is a nose ring so different from pierced ears? Hello ...? Learn how to use email. We are all individuals.

There are countless ways we differ in background, personality, values, preferences, and style.  To make judgments about these differences (i.e., who is better), is illogical and meaningless. However, exploring generational diversity can help explain - and bridge - the sometimes-baffling differences behind our unspoken assumptions and at-odds attitudes.  

Caution: Be careful to avoid reinforcing negative stereotypes. Generational differences are a start, not an end to understanding.  

The Silent Generation (aka Veterans) - Most Misunderstood and Underestimated Generation of All Time

Change Resources Group Inc.

Change Resources Group has been successfully providing services to organizations in the area of strategic talent management for over 20 years to address the impacts of a wide diversity of change challenges, such as new leadership, consolidations and mergers, site relocations, restructuring, market and customer changes, and high growth.

CRG's team building division, Creative Reality Games, has executed a wide range of initiatives designed to help our clients maintain levels of service excellence, while improving team cohesion, productivity and profitability in a constantly changing world of work. This division has become known for its innovative retreats and team building events using current reality TV formats, such as: The Amazing Race, Apprentice, Survivor, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Our founder, Pat Thornton, M.B.A., has several years of experience in Canada and the U.S. with multi-national organizations, and as an executive coach in private practice. She began her human resources career at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. where she gained experience in public sector administration. Subsequently, she worked in Philadelphia and then New York City, where she developed a comprehensive background in customer service and sales training. After relocating to Toronto, she spent several years as a senior HR professional with multi-national organizations.

Pat's community service activities have included serving on the board of directors and as vice president for a multi-branch community credit union; member of the board of directors for a community social service organization, former vice president and member of the board of directors for a national association of women entrepreneurs; and volunteer facilitator/Mentor with Covenant House for employment re-entry workshops for youth.

Pat holds dual citizenship in the U. S. and Canada and has extensive experience in Europe and Asia.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Kouzes and Posner on Leadership

The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner is outdated, having originated in the early 1980's.when everyone was trashing management. Hence why Tom Peters said in the preface to their first edition of 1987 that '' as we know it is not dead. But it darned well ought to be!" There is no mention of management in their book. The result is an overloaded concept of leadership. One problem with this account is that it makes it hard to see how lower level employees can lead. Greater specialization, driven by increasing complexity, demands both functions, not just one.

Kouzes and Posner Focus on Executives not Leaders


The fundamentals for Kouzes and Posner can be questioned if leading is viewed as an occasional act instead of as an executive position.

Kouzes and Posner on Leadership

" Leadership is a journey - But a journey has two parts: convincing people to join and getting them to the destination. Only the first stage is leadership. The second phase is a management undertaking. Leaders sell the tickets for the journey; managers drive the bus to the destination. This is true even if further injections of leadership are needed to resell the merits of the journey.

" Credibility is the foundation of leading - But we buy the ideas of eccentrics whom we would not trust to manage anything. Excellent content can sway us even when the promoter (leader) is not personally credible. Character is only required for people in executive positions.

" Leadership is a relationship - Managers work closely with people to get things done. Because they have power over people there needs to be a relationship of trust between them. It is possible to lead at a distance so does not require working relationships. When Martin Luther King led the U.S. Supreme Court to outlaw segregation on buses, he may not have known the people in this organization or had any relationship, with them.

" To lead you must first look inside yourself and clarify your values. This is only true to lead within the domain of values, if you want people to behave in accordance with accepted values. But if you are promoting a new piece of software to your bosses, your personal values are not involved. The examples cited by Kouzes and Posner involve major culture changes, challenges to values. Perhaps we should call this values leadership. Managers need to be clear about their values, however, because we can't trust them with so much power over us unless we know where they stand on what is important to us.

" You need to be inspiring to lead - The truth is that leadership style is situational. In scientific and technical organizations, there is a demand for "evidence based" decision making. Here, leaders need to cite hard facts to lead and they may do so either quietly or aggressively, so long as they have the evidence.

Kouzes and Posner outline 5 core practices, but they are a mixture of manager and leader actions.

Model the way

Kouzes and Posner tell us that ''Leaders' deeds are far more important than their words...Exemplary leaders go first. They go first by setting the example through daily actions that demonstrate they are deeply committed to their beliefs.'' This is all very well if you are advocating a change in values, such as how employees or customers are to be treated. But what if you work at Boeing and you advocate a new form of supersonic passenger jet? How do you model that! Clearly, you can lead by example, but modelling the way cannot be a cornerstone of all leading, unless you assume that it is always based on human values. This may be important for political leaders or senior executives but it can't be a requirement for all leaders.

Inspire a shared vision

If you view leading as a journey, vision is simply the destination you want others to join you in pursuing. Kouzes and Posner are right to claim that leaders cannot expect to be followed if they have no idea where they want to go. But advocating a change to an existing product, an instance of thought leadership, is hardly visionary. We reserve the word vision for ideas at the grander end of the scale. Having a better idea only counts as a vision if it is long term and if it paints a picture of a rather magnificent future. New ideas can range along a continuum from mundane to those that are revolutionary, radical and visionary.

Challenge the process

For Kouzes and Posner being a leader entails initiating ''a change from the status quo.'' But they are equivocal on this principle, unfortunately so, because it is the main one of their five that characterizes leadership. They start by telling us that leaders ''search for opportunities to innovate, grow, and improve.'' They quickly water down this point by saying ''But leaders aren't the only creators or originators of new products, services, or processes.'' Notice the phrase "aren't the only''. This implies that Kouzes and Posner see leaders as the occupants of managerial roles. But if all leadership is an informal act, not a position, then championing a new product is always leadership. Kouzes and Posner acknowledge that new ideas come from ''people on the front lines.'' But, for them ''the leader's primary contribution is in the recognition of good ideas, the support of those ideas, and the willingness to challenge the system to get new products...adopted.'' This is a pretty lame version of ''challenging the process''. The reason for the equivocation is simply that there is no room in Kouzes and Posner's world for management. If there was, they could say that leaders really do challenge the status quo, leaving it to managers to do the supporting, developing and facilitating of those who do so.

Enabling others to act and encouraging the heart

There isn't much difference between Kouzes and Posner's fourth and fifth principles. They both relate to facilitating teams of people to reach the destination, empowering and motivating them to exert the necessary effort. These two principles most clearly pertain to the implementation phase of the journey and are the easiest ones to classify as managerial.

The bottom line is that The Leadership Challenge is a widely read book which no doubt inspires executives to improve their performance, but as an account of leadership it is badly outdated. There are two main problems with it. They make no place for management and they cannot account for acts of leadership outside of the formal (or even informal) role of managing a team of people.

Kouzes and Posner on Leadership

See for more information on this and related topics. Mitch McCrimmon has over 30 years experience in executive assessment and coaching. His latest book, Burn! 7 Leadership Myths in Ashes, 2006, challenges conventional thinking on leadership. Warning: you might find it annoying if you are committed to the usual platitudes about leadership.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Charismatic Leadership Vs Transformational Leadership

What if we put charismatic leadership versus transformational leadership?

These two leadership styles actually have a lot in common. Both of them rely on influence and friendship. The leaders in both of these styles have a penchant for involving individuals in the organization for the purpose of achieving organizational goals. Both of these styles of leadership have the aim of achieving the vision and goals of the organization.


The charismatic leader tends to rely on his popularity. One of the usual manifestations of this is in the political realm. Do you ever remember Arnold Schwarzenegger? He is an amazing bodybuilder from Austria who became a popular action movie star. He made a lot of popular films including The Terminator trilogy and Total Recall among others. He became extremely popular. That is why when he ran as Governor of the state of California, he won by an overwhelming majority.

Charismatic Leadership Vs Transformational Leadership

But then, charismatic leadership is not enough. The leader should display the characteristics of a good leader. This includes connecting with the followers and learning about their needs and their concerns. When the leader learns about these needs and concerns, he has to do something to tend to them.

Charismatic leadership, to a certain degree, relies on an extrovert leader. He or she can easily relate to people and even connect with them at a deeper level. Introverts, though, can also become charismatic leaders, especially, if they are beloved by their followers. They often keep with them a set of trusted followers who act as liaisons. This way, they also build their reputation.

But this kind of leadership can be easily abused. What if somebody popular comes along and takes the organization away from its vision and mission?

The result would be confusion and conflict in the organization. While conflict may sometimes be good in the organization, divisive conflicts may be the most painful ones to go through because the end result is not creativity but division.

This is where transformational leadership comes in. In this case, a person using this style has to influence his followers and subordinates to make important changes in their practices and in their lives. The end result is better life for the followers and better health for the organization.

We shouldn't be putting charismatic leadership vs transformational leadership because these two styles actually complement each other. The leader has to choose how to balance these two styles of leadership in the workplace.

Charismatic Leadership Vs Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is not rocket science! GET FREE LEADERSHIP COACHING from M Rasing's leadership blog,

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Ways To Protect Your ClickBank Product

Security is a real issue when it comes down to selling your products successfully online. And on ClickBank, this is absolutely true. One of the biggest problems with people who buy via ClickBank are those people who buy a product and then immediately asks for a refund. These are known as "professional refunders".
Now there are some mechanisms that you can use to decrease the amount of refunds that you get to your website. There are many affiliate softwares out there that can ban certain countries from buying from you. These are typically the countries where people like to order, and then immediately complain and get their money back. And they do this all the time.

So to avoid this, I would recommend you using a product called "EasyClickMate" if you want to stop this problem. The product is good and the service is great - plus it can help you to produce a lot of 1-way backlinks from the relevant websites who are promoting your product.

ClickBank is very popular. It's one of the top 300 sites on the entire internet (in terms of website traffic), and it has thousands of affiliates just waiting to promote your product simply and easily. Now because it is so popular and profitable, there are people who want to take advantage of the system.

To avoid this, there are some things that you will want to do if you want to prevent fraud from occurring with your product. The first thing that you can do is to NOT link your download page from anywhere else on your website, or even on other websites online. Believe it or not, people really do this a lot.

You want to make sure that the only way that someone can have access to your product is if they click on your ClickBank payment link. Anyway else shouldn't be tolerated. You don't want "backdoors" to your product download page - I've seen this happen before. If you don't prevent the backdoors, your product download page will be seen in the search engines, and people will be able to download your product for free. I've seen this happen also. So prevent that starting today.

Another thing that you can do is to consider a product called "DLGuard". It was created by a master software creator, and it limits the amount of time that someone has to download their product. After the elapsed time has passed, the original download page disappears, and you won't be able to access the same download page again. You will have to use another way to deliver your product to your customer, or simply put up another time elapsing download page.

This is an awesome way to protect your products, and it's something that I highly recommend you doing. This is something that you can reduce fraud, and stop people from downloading your products without buying them first.

Take these ClickBank security tips and use them to have the utmost success as possible with your online marketing efforts. It will be more than worth it.

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